A special post with an update on the construction. The walls are framed, the doors are installed and the work in the retail area is underway. As of when these pictures were taken even more has happened.
Things are moving so fast.
The walls are done, framed, insulated and sealed, they just need to be mudded and we will be ready to paint.
The offices didn't need much work, a good cleaning and the central air system is being fixed (thank you ALAN, we LOVE YOU). Sean washed the carpets and we are ready to start loading furniture in.

Niki has already started setting up her office. Just a few more added things like a table and some chairs and she will be set for her new reading room/office space.
Mark and Lynn will be setting up their spaces through September but will be working at 108 Queenston RD until we announce their move.
If you are looking for sessions with them, contact 108 Queenston and we can still set something up.
Through September we will be posting about all the fun and excitement that will be happening during our OPENING WEEKEND (OCT.1st and 2nd) so keep an eye out for the posts and updates as we go along.