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Crazy 4 Crystals

Crazy for Crystals in Kitchener is back by popular demand at The Rock Space! After a successful launch last year, we're excited to offer six additional sessions, totaling ten workshops. For further details, read on or reach out to us at the store.


Crazy for Crystals or C4C, is an 8-month-long, 16-part course that offers the chance to learn about 352 crystals, that is 22 crystals per class. If that seems like a lot, it is. There are so many crystals that do so many different things, this is the tip of the iceberg. That is why we designed each class as a stand-alone workshop so you can take one or more classes without feeling as though you have to take them all.

Cost: $60 per person/per class (take home all 22 crystals covered in class)

          OR $200 per person/for 4 classes (choose 4 of the classes you would like to take)

          OR $300 per person/for 6 classes (this covers Part 11-16)

          OR $800 per person/for 16 classes (no matter where you start you will be paid up for all 16 classes. So when we                                                                           start the rotation again, you will be notified to attend)



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Crazy for The Rock Space

The  Rock Space is an amazing space providing crystals and special pieces in Kitchener Ontario. We have been working with them to bring a little piece of Mystic to their hometown with visits from some of our card readers, healers, and others but, this is special to us. 

When we brought  Crazy for Crystals to The Rock Space we hoped it would take off and it did.  

Now we are bringing the next set of 6.


Crazy for Crystals #5-#10 is a set of workshops providing information about many different types of crystals. Overall, each session gives you insight into 22 crystals, that you take home, along with a quick reference booklet provided by us. These classes are designed to be stand-alone but as a group, you will realize that each class is a level higher in energy when it comes to the crystals you are learning about.  


If this seems like something that you would be interested in then contact us at Mystic Mojo and we can set you up. 


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Crazy For Crystals

Crystals have never been 100% scientifically proven to work. Why would I tell you this if I wanted you to come to our workshop about crystals? Well, thousands of people use them every day to help with mental, physical, and spiritual balance. Are thousands of people wrong? No. Is science wrong? No. 

Like all metaphysical work that is done, it is up to the individual's belief in what works and what doesn't. We can't always prove the benefits, at least through science, but they are there.

Even the person who works with us who says "It's just a rock" get's benefits from certain crystals because not all crystals work for them, but some do. 

In our workshops, we will give you the tools to understand the connection you may have with crystals. We will cover 22 crystals and give you the basic benefits of those crystals so you can make the right call when you need a crystal to help.


Warning; the energy in the classroom gets kind of crazy, and there will be a lot of laughing involved.


If this is a subject that you have been interested in, or know and would just like to learn more 

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